Burntfork Parish House |
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AKA International Order of Odd Fellows Lodge.
Also served as a Schoolhouse.
Burntfork PostOffice |
George Stoll Place |
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George Stoll Sr. homesteaded here in
George Stoll Jr. Family is shown in first picture.
Ike Edwards; Orson Behunin |
Zebulon Edwards place |
Dave Edwards place |
Ellsworth, Dick |
Hutton Place; McCarty Place; part of Tom Welch (2nd place); John Briggs, Jr;
Dick Briggs |
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H. Clyde Stewart place |
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1st picture shows Henry Clyde
Stewart with his first wife Cynthia Hurst Stewart
3rd picture is from a painting by
Snow Aldrige Stahlberg
Wyman Bench part of Tom Welch (2nd place); Bob Gamble place |
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Dave Gillis place; Mack McGinnis; Willie
Welch; Bill Smith; Austin Stevens |
Art Hallett Place |
Lee Russell |
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Muskrat Springs; Tom Widdop; Birnell Olsen;
Goodfellow; Joe McDonald; Charlie Meeks; Wade Stephens Place |
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Claude Sadlier; Ray Sadlier |
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Emma Sadlier House |
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1st Picture is from a painting by Snow
Aldrige Stahlberg.
Sadlier House" |
Ruel Triplett Place |
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Roadside Rendezvous Monument |
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Zimmer Meadow; Benjamin Hill place |
Gamble: John Behunin |

Garibaldi "B" Gamble place; Earl Gamble |
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