The Burntfork Connection to the Women's Movement
Elinore Pruitt Stewart’s letters written from Burntfork in the 1909 through1913 time period and subsequently published in Atlantic Monthly (Letters of a Woman Homesteader) were popularized by academia in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s and she became an icon of the women’s movement. Elinore was a storyteller with a bent for exaggeration and the stories she tells in her letters are of great interest. Of greater historical value, however, is “The Adventures of the Woman Homesteader: The Life and Letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart”, a biography by Susanne K. George (Bloomfield), which is available through the University of Nebraska Press. The movie “Heartland” (1979) was based on Letters of a Woman Homesteader. Here Burntfork was shunned. If you acquire the movie with hopes of seeing anything of the Burntfork landscape, forget it! The movie was filmed in Montana! |